πŸ§’Random Avatar

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APIs for Generating Random User Avatars

DiceBear Avatars

DiceBear offers avatars based on hash values. These avatars are served as SVGs, providing a wide range of customization options. Here are a few examples:

  • api.dicebear.com/7.x/pixel-art/svg

  • api.dicebear.com/7.x/bottts/png

  • api.dicebear.com/7.x/lorelei/svg


RoboHash provides hash-dependent avatars in a Futurama style, although they are served as PNGs. You can generate avatars with URLs like these:

RoboHash Avatars

Random Users

Random Users offers realistic user avatars that are useful for creating realistic mocks and wireframes. Here are some examples:

Random Users Images

Multiavatar API

Multiavatar is another API that generates unique avatars based on hash values. They offer a variety of styles, including male, female, and neutral avatars. Here are some examples:

  • xsgames.co/randomusers/avatar.php?g=male

  • xsgames.co/randomusers/avatar.php?g=female

  • xsgames.co/randomusers/avatar.php?g=pixel

Multiavatar API

Boring avatars

In reality, boring avatars is a React package for creating avatars, but the maintainers also provide an API endpoint!

Six distinct styles, adjustable colors, and size control make the API shine! The beam style is also really adorable.

Boring avatars

These APIs offer a convenient way to generate random user avatars for various applications. Whether you need simple geometric avatars or more complex and realistic ones, these services have you covered.

Last updated